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We offer a range of programmes to raise awareness and help our students excel.

Post-16 Programme

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Our Remote sessions run throughout the academic year in two parallel programmes designed specifically for year 12 and college students in the London branch and Birmingham & Leicester Branch.

With lots of creative opportunities, passionate debates and exciting hands-on workshops our remote sessions will keep you engaged and grow your skills and confidence and give you a chance to win prizes for your excellent work!

Summer School

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Our 1.5 week Summer School Programme for Year 11 students from London Schools!

This programme is packed full of debates, Grow-Your-Knowledge sessions and Up-Skill workshops so get ready for a steep learning curve, lots of fun challenges and prizes!

What Have Students In The Past Said About Our Programmes


“Thank you for enlightening me and my fellow students about raising awareness and learning more about SPEDs. I've had a great time with the experience of submitting assignments and completing modules as it made me feel like a university student.

-Mehdi Behira (2017-2018)

Thank you and the entire team for coming in and giving up some of your time for us. I appreciate everything and the entire programme.”


Najma Mohammed, Tech City College (2018- 2019)


“It was actually such a fun and informative programme. I learnt so much about the differences that people have to face on a regular basis which I never would have learnt about if I hadn’t signed up!”

Shiam Hassan Mirdha, Harris Academy Boys East Dulwich (2019-2020)

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